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Spring Tree Giveaway

Please make your selection by March 31st.

Forest Conservation Efforts

Forest Trees

Thank you again for participating in the Arbor Day Spring Tree Giveaway. Please complete and submit this selection form by the end of March so we can ensure that you get the tree you want. Soon we will send an e-mail with pick-up instructions.

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Free Tree Options:

American Flowering Dogwood
(Cornus florida):

Flowering dogwood is a popular landscaping tree due to its attractive foliage and flowers. It is a small tree, only growing to 15-30 feet. The flowers can be white, pink, or almost red and are not fragrant. Dogwoods also have relatively shallow root systems, making them better-suited to sites that have underground utilities near- by. It is important to ensure that this tree gets plenty of water, especially during the first year after planting.

Flowering dogwoods prefer acidic soil and will do well with azaleas, rhododendrons, mountain laurel, and evergreens.

Eastern Redbud
(Cercis canadensis):

Eastern redbud is arguably the most popular small landscaping tree in this region. Its popularity can be at- tributed to its attractive vase shape, heart-shaped leaves, and its pink flowers. This species can grow in full or partial sun but requires moist soils. Redbud is also one of the first trees to bloom in spring.

Sweetbay Magnolia
(Magnolia virginiana):

Sweetbay magnolia is a late-blooming tree native to the eastern United States. It has fragrant, creamy-white flowers and glossy, dark green leaves with silvery undersides. This small tree is an excellent choice near patios, wood edges, and shrub borders. It is also tolerant of wet sites, such as pond edges and low areas in a landscape. It is perfect for planting under utility lines as it only grows to a maximum height of 20 feet.


River Birch
(Betula nigra):

River birch is a popular, fast-growing native tree with cinnamon-brown, exfoliating bark and yellow fall foliage. The best foliage color occurs in full sun, and it is perhaps the most culturally adaptable and heat tolerant of the birches. This species is resistant to the bronze birch borer and grows to a height of 30-40 feet. It attracts insect pollinators and songbirds.


Pin Oak
(Quercus palustris):

Pin oak is a native that has been widely planted in landscapes for many years. Its distinctive branching pattern sets it apart from other oaks. Homeowners like this tree for many reasons: dense shade, tolerance of many soil conditions, heat, soil compaction and air pollution, pleasing to the eye in all seasons, and easy to plant. This fast-growing oak can grow to be 60-70 feet in height and provides beautiful shades of russet, bronze, and red in the fall.


(Amelanchier spp.):

Serviceberry is a small, fruit-producing tree that can be either multi-stemmed or single-stemmed. This species is one of the first to show in spring with small, white flowers. The berries ripen in June and are a great food source for birds, small mammals and humans alike. The purple fruit can be eaten raw or can be made into jams and jellies. This tree is usually grown in bottomlands and can thrive in either full or partial sun.


Selection Form

You must live within Middletown Maryland town limits to qualify.

* All fields must be filled out before you can submit the form.

Tree choice
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